Sleeping Well
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is one of the most common medical disorders in Australia. The occurrence in Australian adults ranges from 9% to 38% for some age groups. It has significant health impacts due to a disrupted sleep and a lack of oxygen leading to health complications such as severe headaches, hypertension and heart disease.
Occurence of Sleep apnea can be upwards of 38% for some age groups.
The Optimum Sleep Apnea Program
Our Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program will demonstrate how every person can overcome this condition. Three main areas are addressed:
Correct Breathing Technique
Correct breathing occurs through the nose when sleeping. Our program will train you to breath nasally with control, so it becomes second nature.
Correct Posture
Sleep Apnea is caused by a postural condition known as Upper Crossed Syndrome. This is characterised by rounded shoulders and a forward head position. Such posture inhibits airflow when sleeping, contributing to breathing difficulties and leading to snoring.
Weight loss
Being overweight has a direct correlation to snoring and sleep apnoea. Carrying excess body fat inhibits your breathing and also places additional stress on the cardiac system (heart). Both of these factors directly result in snoring. .
Medical Referrals & Rebates Accepted
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Sydney Metro
Regional NSW
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Or speak to our friendly team on 02 8599 6284
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