Christmas is fast approaching and can sometimes be a tough time of year in terms of healthy living. Don’t let the parties, work functions and family gatherings get the better of you and de-rail your progress.
Here are 12 tips to help you through this time of year! This works best if you sing it to the appropriate tune (only joking), but it is a fun way to give you 12 tips to help you live the healthy life through the silly season.
The Optimum 12 Days of Christmas
“And a partridge in a pear tree” – Pears , along with other fruits should be eaten at least 1-2 times per day, they can also be used as a healthier option for desserts.
“Two turtle doves” – Doves are the universal symbol of peace. The silly season can be a stressful time so try to relax and keep those cortisol levels down!
“Three French hens” – Poultry is on the menu for many people this Christmas so make sure that your meat is lean and the skin is removed.
“Four calling birds” – This December make sure you call into our studios as often as possible and remain vigilant with your gym sessions.
“Fiiive golden riiiings” – Rings look great on fingers but not underneath eyes. Ensure you are getting enough sleep each night, around 7-8 hours.
“Six geese are laying” – Forget the geese, keep yourself hydrated and lay into at least 6 large glasses of water per day (Roughly 2-3 litres).
“Seven swans are swimming” – With the warmer weather and longer daylight hours swimming is a great way to combine low impact exercise while staying cool and refreshed.
“Eight maids are milking” – This Christmas make sure when you consume your dairy products, like milk or yoghurt, choose the skim or low fat option. You get all the protein but without all the calories.
“Nine ladies dancing” – Don’t be afraid to get up and dance at those functions, it’s a great way to get up and moving. The option is also there to take up social sports like golf or tennis.
“Ten lords are leaping” – Take this time to evaluate and focus on some new health goals so you leap into the new year with a fresh perspective and increased level of motivation.
“Eleven pipers piping” – The only pipes you should put near your mouths are musical ones. Remember the risks of passive smoke, especially when celebrating around others.
“Twelve drummers drumming” – If you do happen to get carried away at your party and you wake up with your head drumming make sure you keep yourself hydrated and well fed with healthy foods, avoid the hangover junk food binge.