A Parent And Carers Guide To The BOT-2

You may have paid more attention to your child’s motor development when they were younger, such as watching them learn to crawl, walk, and tie their shoelaces but this is just as important to as they grow.

The BOT-2 or the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency Second Edition, is an evidence-based group of tests made to assess 4-to-21 year-olds’ motor development. There are 53 distinct tests, which are arranged into 8 subtests:

  • Fine motor precision
  • Fine motor integration
  • Manual Dexterity
  • Upper-Limb Coordination
  • Bilateral Coordination
  • Balance
  • Running Speed and Agility
  • Strength


The gross and fine motor skills measured in these tests are a vital component in a young person’s independence, capabilities and quality of life. Assessing a young person’s motor development can give an indication as to which areas of development your child may be having difficulty with and help support diagnoses. This is key for both carers and practitioners in guiding your child to be able to live life to the fullest.

How We Score and Give Feedback

The scoring and feedback are specific to the BOT-2. The scoring includes standard scores, percentile ranks, and age equivalents. It then describes the ability of the child in each area from well below average to well above average. 

When your child completes a BOT-2 you will also be provided with a report. The report includes a descriptive analysis of your child’s attempt at each of the sub-tests. Because each test is completed 1:1, the report will detail specifics such as their awareness of their surroundings, and their ability to maintain trunk control or bend their knees before jumping. Your practitioner will also make note of other elements such as how well your child understood each task, whether they used their attention skills well, how many breaks were needed, or if they needed assistance with emotional or sensory regulation.

This can also give other parties such as your child’s GP, a picture of your child’s development.

How We Use This Test

We may either complete a condensed version of the BOT-2 or use it as a comprehensive test. The results then provide us with information to shape the goals we should set for your child.

For example, your child may be identified as being well below average in the balance subtest, this puts them at risk of falls and may limit their confidence. Your practitioner would help set a specific balance such as being able to hop 10 times on each leg. To achieve these goals, our team will guide your child with therapy to address these areas, such as leg strengthening and static and dynamic balance exercises. It is then recommended that the test be re-taken after 12 months so we can continue to aid your child in their development.

It can be concerning to learn that your child may not be developing motor skills at the desired level, but our staff at Optimum Health Solutions are committed to your child’s growth and will work with you to support them in reaching their goals.

Get in contact with our team to find out more or how you can book in a BOT-2.

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