A Word from Marc… Optimum Health Solutions Client Success Principles

I love writing my article each month, as it gives me the chance to inspire and encourage you. I want to continue to be a person who motivates others, to be the best they can be. I want people to reach for the stars and achieve their dreams and visons. I also want to inspire people to be the healthiest possible version of themselves, because we believe that poor health is the number one reason that prevents people from living life to the fullest.

We can continue to educate, motivate and empower you, but it’s you who needs to make the change, or you will never reach your goals, and you will not make the changes needed to overcome your health conditions.

What you will see next are the Optimum Client Success Principles, developed by the Optimum team, in order to hold our clients accountable to action, and therefore results.

Even if you are not a client, I hope that you read and apply these principles to your life. We admit that some are very blunt, but sometimes people need to be told the truth.

I also want to remind you that despite any setbacks you may encounter, we are always here to help you get back up, overcome these and achieve your health goals.

Optimum Health Solutions Client Success Principles

1.     Personal Responsibility

• Only you can make the change. Reaching your goals is reliant on you and you only.
• Your coach is here to foster this change in your life.

2.     Your body is not different

• Your body wants to heal itself. You only have to remove the cause.
• Follow the scientific and bio-mechanical principles of the body 100% of the time.

3.     Follow your coaches instructions

• They are the best at what they do and leaders in their field.
• Clear communication with your coach is the key to success.

4.     Nutrition

• Food is either your best medicine or your biggest poison.
• No matter what your goal, you must equally address the nutrition side

5.     Commitment

• Commit to your planned sessions every week. No matter what life throws at you.
• Health is a daily commitment. Commit to being active at home or on your own.

6.     Posture & Technique

• Addressing poor posture & technique deficiencies is our number 1 priority.
• Failing to address this is an injury waiting to happen.

7.     Lifetime attitude to complete health

• No matter what your short term goal, commit to making your changes for life.
• Optimum’s mission is to “enable people to live life to the fullest,” not “live now to the fullest.

8.     Have fun

• Enjoy the exercise, the staff and other members in the facility.
• Learn to enjoy the benefits that good health brings to your life.

9.     Time

• Everybody has 168 hours in a week.
• You will make time in your life for what you place value upon.

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